HomeMusic ProductionHow to Find Tempo of a Song

How to Find Tempo of a Song


Music ProductionHow to Find Tempo of a Song

How to Find Tempo of a Song

There are a few different ways you can find the tempo of a song:

  • Use a metronome: A metronome is a tool that produces a constant pulse to help musicians keep time. To find the tempo of a song using a metronome, you can simply tap along with the beat of the song and adjust the metronome to match.

  • Use a smartphone app: There are many smartphone apps that can detect the tempo of a song. Simply play the song on your phone and the app will display the tempo in beats per minute (BPM).

  • Use a music software: If you have access to music production software, such as Ableton Live or Logic Pro, you can use the software’s built-in tempo detection feature to find the tempo of a song.

  • Tap it out: If you have a good sense of rhythm, you can try tapping along with the beat of the song and count the number of taps you make in a minute. This will give you the tempo in BPM.

  • Check the liner notes: If you have a physical copy of the song, you may find the tempo listed in the liner notes or on the back cover.


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